Changement de jeu
Fournitures de perçage
Déplacer l'industrie du perçage dans le Jetable Marché
Stiletto Piercing Supply is revolutionizing the piercing industry with new, disposable products. Our mission is to move the industry into the disposable market, much like the tattoo industry has already done, to allow studios to function WITHOUT a sterilization room.
All our products are designed for single-use and come pre-sterilized in an approved FDA-approved sterilization facility, and each of them has gone through testing and has been evaluated by industry professionals.
Distributeurs de talons aiguilles :
ETATS-UNIS - Fourniture de piercing à stylet - Siège social
ETATS-UNIS - Conceptions de cercle corporel
ETATS-UNIS - Lever de terre
Australie/Nouvelle-Zélande – Stiletto Aus
Argentina – Coming Soon
Brésil – À venir
Canada - FYT Canada
Chile – Coming Soon
France - Anticorps
Allemagne - PER-4
Israël - Stylet Israël
Italie - Stylet Italie
Peru – Coming Soon
Pologne – Stylet Pologne
Le Portugal - Stylet Portugal
Spain – Stiletto Spain
Suède – À venir
Suisse – À venir
Royaume-Uni - Stylet Royaume-Uni